The United Kingdom (UK) is the gateway to the cultural richness and diversity of Europe. By studying in the UK students have the benefit of experiencing the diverse customs of a major world market place that is only a plane ride away. Opting for the education overseas today is perhaps the single most important decision someone has to take. Not just for the impact it has on a person’s career prospects and long term future, but also for the opportunities it gives him firsthand experience with respect to new cultures, new ideas, and new environment. Away from home, family and friends, it’s an experience that’s sometimes daunting, often challenging yet always fulfilling. British education gives student the creative thinking and analytical skills that are required in the working world. Educational institutions in the U.K use a variety of teaching and assessment method designed to develop independent thoughts as well as mastery of the subject matter. They teach students how to think, and what to think. Learning in the U.K is not a one-way process in which students simply receive information from their teacher. At degree level, in particular students are encouraged to read widely to question and analyze what they read and to discuss their ideas in seminars and tutorials. In many institutions students are assigned individual tutor who provides intellectual insights and academic advice. The strength in this personalized, independent approach gives students the problems-solving skills needed in the real world. The choice of postgraduate course has increased enormously in recent years to meet more specific demand from applicant and to tailor training to the needs of employers as well as student. Postgraduate course tend to be split into those that are largely taught (including M.Sc and PG Dip.), and those that are largely research based (including M. Phil and PhD). Learning outcomes and the time needed to complete course vary widely, from a few months to more than three years of full time study. Your decision about where to study is based on much more than the course you want to opt. Depending on your course, you may be at the institution for several years, so it is important that you will be happier at your chosen institution. Factors might include the type and size of the town, its proximity to family and friends, the cost of living, the type of accommodation for postgraduate students. For postgraduate with families, child care facilities are also important. It is not always a good idea to rely on the reputation of an institution.
Check its quality rating for your particular subject, and find out as much as you can about its staff their reputation in their specialist field, competence and teacher-student relationship. For research students it is essential to learn as much as possible about the quality of supervision you are likely to receive. As this working relationship will become a major part of your life for many years. Visit the department if possible and talk to exciting postgraduates about their experience, satisfaction and comments. The Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) is being conducted in the UK for the last over a decade. It looks at research quality and the output from individual department and academics, to give an indication of quality and help make comparisons between institution and their departments. The current RAE has proved quite instrumental for the departments, widely accepted for their international importance in their field, has been providing the very best research tools. The RAE grading system and method is under review, but any changes to the system will not come into effect, in the next RAE of 2008. The previous RAE took place in 2001. The United Nation World Conference on Higher Education (1998) recognized that there is an unprecedented demand for expansion of higher education across the world. Social and cultural participation in higher education and issues such as access, funding and employment are providing challenges to all countries. Several partnerships are being developed between business industry, government academics and individuals which help in eliminating the traditional barriers to access and ensure that higher education is a vibrant and active part of society in UK. Working hard to maintain higher education at the heart of knowledge, economic resources are providing opportunities and access to the education system which is truly international, in its standard. When students come to UK they get access to 4 countries, like England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Each has its own culture, history, geography and contemporary character. And because they are all within easy reach of each other, they are easy to explore. The choice of study the locations prove helpful in enjoying the cities highlands, coasts, countryside landscape, industrial heritage and much more. England is the largest country in the UK and home to approximately 43 million people. The country encapsulates much of the rich history and tradition for which the UK is very well-known.
Shakespeare’s Stratford-upon-Avon, the Cotswold Hills, the Royal households of Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle. It is predominantly a lowland country, with some upland areas in the north and west. Many regions and towns have associations with great English writers, artists and thinkers. The economy is increasingly service based, and London is one of the world’s leading centers for banking, insurance and other financial services. High technology-based industries have replaced many traditional ones. Interestingly, cities like Liverpool and Manchester are making their mark for their own distinctive contribution to the English Clubs and musical concerts. In Scotland 5.1 million people live in an area not much smaller than England. This country has vast open spaces and is one of the best areas of unspoiled natural beauty in Europe, featuring mountains lakes and valleys. Scotland’s economy is driven by enterprises in areas such as microelectronics, biotechnology, fishing as well as forestry. The country has a rich cultural tradition encompassing music, arts, architecture and literature and culminates in the month of August, the Edinburgh Festival the world’s most important theatre and performing arts event. Wales is home of 3 million people and its geography is characterized by coastline, mountains and lakes. It is renowned for beauty of its landscapes and the warm welcome it offer to visitors. Key growth industries in Wales include electronics, auto components, and food processing, health care, financial and professional services. More Japanese companies have moved to Wales than anywhere else in Europe. Of course the UK is also a gateway to the rest of Europe an advantage over other English speaking study destinations. From the UK it’s relatively easy and inexpensive to get to other European countries whether by train through the channel tunnels and city to city journeys are quick. As with travel within the UK student discounts are available on most means of transport and on some sightseeing sites. Many UK institutions offer European attractions as part of certain courses so it may even be possible to travel as part of their study experience.
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Chief Executive World Consultants